
The Reliant Air Conditioning Blog

On Time or it’s Free…Or is it?

We’ve all heard the promises from corporate America. “On time or it’s free!” They’ll say. But is it really free? Let’s find out.

What does “on time” really mean? 

In customer service, “on time” means different things to different people. For some, it means arriving within the scheduled window. For others, it means arriving at the exact time that was agreed upon. And for others still, it means arriving early. 

As you can see, there is a lot of room for interpretation when it comes to the phrase “on time.” As a result, many companies will use this phrase to their advantage, promising customers that they will arrive on time…or else.

But what happens if they don’t arrive on time? 

Do they really keep their promise and provide the service for free? In most cases, no. The “free” part usually refers to the service fee — you’re still paying for the repairs. 

So next time a company tells you that they’ll provide their service on time or it’s free, make sure to ask them for clarification on what they mean by “on time.” Otherwise, you may end up paying more than you bargained for.

When a company tells you that their service is “on-time or it’s free,” make sure to ask them for clarification on what they mean by “on time.” Otherwise, you may end up paying more than you bargained for. In most cases, the “free” part is referring to the service fee — you’re still paying for the repairs regardless. So while the company may not technically be lying to you, they are certainly bending the truth in order to get your business.

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